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Monday, January 17, 2022

California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN)

In The Politics of Autism, I discuss the implementation of public policy toward autism at the federal, state, and local levels, involving education and social services.  Implementation needs far more study.

At Autism, Jessica Suhrheinrich and colleagues have an article titled "Practice-driven research for statewide scale up: Implementation outcomes of the California Autism Professional Training and Information Network."  The lay abstract:

Supporting use of evidence-based practice in public service programs for autistic individuals is critical. The California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) brings together best practices from intervention and implementation research to support scale up of autism services. The current study was designed to evaluate the impact of CAPTAIN on provider-level outcomes including attitude toward, knowledge, fidelity, and use of autism EBPs and overall classroom quality. Overall, results indicated variability across measures, with some significant differences between CAPTAIN-trained and non-CAPTAIN-trained providers. These preliminary findings show promise for the efficacy of the CAPTAIN model to increase dissemination and implementation of EBP at the classroom level.

From the article:

The use of research-based practices is mandated by IDEA and ESSA and has been linked to best outcomes for students with autism, which highlights effective implementation and scale up of EBPs in schools as a critical priority. The growing literature on factors that support the implementation process indicates key drivers which can be considered targets of implementation interventions to improve implementation outcomes. In this study, we explored implementation outcomes at the direct service provider level and evaluated differences between CAPTAIN-trained and non-CAPTAIN-trained providers using one of the first large-scale statewide examinations across multiple levels of the special education service system. Overall outcomes indicate CAPTAIN-trained providers and teachers report more favorable attitudes toward EBP, better implementation outcomes related to data collection, and use with students, higher knowledge of their primary EBP, and better ratings of learning environment. These findings show great promise for CAPTAIN as a model to support statewide scale up if EBP for autism and are discussed in more detail below