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Monday, April 1, 2024

IDF Recruits

In The Politics of Autism, I note that we need more study of how autistic people fare in other countries.

 From The Jerusalem Post:

The IDF achieved an inclusivity milestone recently as the first round of autistic military recruits finished their army service, the IDF reported on Monday.

The announcement comes the day before World Autism Awareness Day.

The IDF’s “Advance” program started in July of 2021 and was designed to integrate people like Ori Weiss, a young man with autism, into the military.
"I was excited to join the army like everyone else, that they wouldn't treat me like I was made of glass,” the IDF quoted Weiss as saying. “ I wanted to do something significant and contribute as much as possible."

Because of the “Advance” program two years and eight months ago, he, along with 52 other young men and women on the autism spectrum, were able to arrive at the IDF induction center and commence their training.

Since the program started in 2021, eight recruitment rounds have taken place.

The IDF went on to note that, with the first batch of recruits completing their mandatory service just one week ago, the recruitment of young men and women with autism into the military has become a fait accompli.