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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ABLE Act Action Alert

Previous posts have described the ABLE Act.  Autism Speaks is issuing an action alert:

Over 160 House members and 21 Senators from both political parties have signed on as co-sponsors of ABLE, a bill that would allow families raising children with disabilities to save tax-free for their future needs. Why have your U.S. Representative and at least one of your Senators yet to join them? Send them an email asking that they sign on to the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, HR. 3423 in the House and S.1872 in the Senate. We'll let you know if your Member of Congress co-sponsored an earlier version of the bill in 2009, or is a member of the Congressional Autism Caucus.The momentum continues to build behind this strongly bi-partisan issue! Let's get this done in 2012!
Here is How YOU Can Help:
1) SEND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND U.S. SENATOR(S) AN EMAILYou can email them here. It takes just a few minutes to sign up and send it. We have the basic letter already drafted for you, but take a minute to add one paragraph to make it personal about your family and the person you love with autism.
2) SPREAD THE WORD! Ask your friends and family to help you by sending in a quick email of their own. You can send an email to them after you take action, and also post something like this on your Facebook page:
"Please help me contact our Members of Congress to ask that they support the ABLE Act and vote it out of Congress. This bill will allow me to save tax-free for the future needs of (CHILD's NAME) in the same way parents save for college. It takes 5 minutes and will help our family. Write DONE so I can thank you!" 
Link to:
The ABLE Act, introduced with strong bi-partisan support, would amend Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Service Code to allow individuals with disabilities and their families to deposit earnings to tax-exempt savings accounts. The funds could be used to pay for qualified expenses, including education, housing and transportation, and would supplement, not replace, benefits provided through private insurance, employment or public programs.
You can read more about the ABLE Act here.
Ask your friends and family to help you pass this important legislation. Be sure to email TODAY!
Shelley HendrixDirector of Grassroots DevelopmentAutism Speaks