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Monday, November 6, 2023

Autism-Friendly Dublin

In The Politics of Autism, I discuss the need for more study of the issue in other countries.

 Emma Nevin at Dublin Live:

New plans to make Dublin the world's first autism friendly city with announced by Lord Mayor Daithi de Roiste today.

The Council is participating in the AsIAm Autism-Friendly Communities Awards Programme and will launch a three-year plan to make the capital an autism-friendly city in January. A steering group consisting of the Lord Mayor, elected officials, stakeholders, advocacy groups, those with lived experience, parents and academics and the group will carry out four public events between now and Christmas to establish this plan
The three-year plan will not only address physical infrastructure but also take into account education, healthcare, recreation and community support, all guided by input from Autistic people and their families and supported by key metrics. The city will also recruit Champion organisations, in the business, public and voluntary sectors, who will undertake training and commit to making small changes, such as implementing quiet times.