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Monday, June 26, 2023

Autistic Welsh Pol

In The Politics of Autism, I discuss international perspectivesI write:  "Support from the general public will be an important political asset for autistic people. Another will be their sheer numbers, since a larger population of identified autistic adults will mean more autistic voters and activists." Previous posts have discussed autistic elected officials in the United States.  Autistic people hold office in other countries as well.

Ashleigh Crowter at BBC Wales Live:
You won't find many more sharply dressed people in Welsh politics.

The natty suit, feathered trilby hat and engraved tie-pin reflect just how seriously 26-year-old Kyle Jamie Eldridge takes his job as a town councillor in Abergavenny.

He believes he has been elected to do an important job and so he should look the part.

And Kyle said it is his autism that makes him care about every detail.

"Having autism gives me critical thinking skills, and skills that I think are excellent for public servants," he said.

Since his election last year to represent the town's Park ward, Kyle is the only councillor to have completed all the non-mandatory training that is available.

He is also meticulous in his preparation for council work, renowned for arriving at every meeting, having read and digested all the relevant documents.

Sandra Rosser, the clerk and principal officer for Abergavenny Town Council, said: "He's made it a point to understand fully the importance of good governance, knowing the rights and wrongs of what we can and can't do as town councillors.