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Monday, September 27, 2021

Hassan and HCBS

The Politics of Autism includes an extensive discussion of insurance and  Medicaid services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilitiesHome and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are particularly important.

 Sara Luterman at The 19th:

Sen. Maggie Hassan doesn’t often dominate headlines and cable news chyrons. The New York Times has described her as “low-key.” POLITICO called her “quiet” and “reserved.” But in an interview with The 19th, Hassan, a moderate Democrat from New Hampshire, laid out one of her major priorities in ongoing reconciliation discussions: Home care for people with disabilities and seniors, funded through Medicaid — an issue that is close to home for the senator.

Hassan has been an advocate for home care funding since she entered politics. For her, the issue is personal: Her son, Ben, has cerebral palsy and needs around-the-clock support. Hassan credits her career to his care workers, especially his primary care worker, who has been with him for over 30 years.

“I was able to work outside the home, develop a profession and support my family because I was able to find a talented caregiver I could partner with,” Hassan said.