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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Anti-Vaxxer for Trump

In The Politics of Autism, I discuss the issue's role in presidential campaigns.   In this campaign, a number of posts have discussed Trump's support for the discredited notion that vaccines cause autism.

At Right Wing Watch, Miranda Blue reports that an anti-vax activist spoke to the GOP national committeewoman from Iowa:
Tamara Scott, an Iowa conservative activist and Republican National Committee member, invited Eileen Dannemann, who runs an anti-vaxxer website called the Vaccine Liberation Army, to her “Truth for Our Time” radio program last week to discuss Dannemann’s concerns about vaccines. (Scott has invited anti-vaxxers onto her program before; in a previous interview with Dannemann, she alleged that “socialistic teaching” in schools, not parents who refuse to vaccinate their children, is causing disease outbreaks.)
Dannemann told Scott that attempts to investigate a CDC vaccine cover-up have so far been quashed, but that things will be different in a Trump presidency.
“With Trump as president, with Carson as the secretary of HHS and with Christie taking Lynch’s place [as attorney general], we have a team here that absolutely will investigate the CDC corruption and the safety of vaccines,” she said.