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Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Potentially Controversial Contribution

The Autism Society will be getting a contribution from a controversial source. A press release:
On January 20th, 2013, leading cigar provider will be donating the proceeds from every blunt the company sells to the Autism Society of America. If you're an aficionado of these popular round tip cigars, mark your calendar.
Throughout 2013, TrueTobacco will be supporting the efforts of many of the national and international organizations that make a positive difference in our lives. On each one of the company's designated Days of Service, one nonprofit will be the beneficiary of all proceeds made that day through the sale of one of TrueTobacco's popular line of products.
"We believe in giving back," says TrueTobacco general manager Nick Gordon. "We couldn't have achieved the high level of success we have if we didn't have a community rooting for us. We're rooting for our community as well. Of course, if you're an Internet business, your community has a broader geographic base."
Why might this particular contribution be controversial?  From HHS:
Tobacco exposure during pregnancy is harmful to a baby. A new study finds that it may increase a child’s risk of having certain forms of autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.
Researchers looked at 600,000 pregnancies from areas included in the U.S. autism surveillance program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Amy Kalkbrenner is at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Zilber School of Public Health.
“For those children that had high functioning autism, there did appear to be somewhat of a signal between maternal smoking and pregnancy and that risk of autism.”
Women should not smoke while pregnant and should avoid exposure to second-hand smoke.
It’s estimated that one in every 88 children has some form of ASD.
The study is in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
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